How To Build Your Brand With Instagram Images

Are you producing “shareable images” that create interaction?

Instagram has quite literally taken over the social media world, with more than a billion people interacting with Instagram each and every single month – many of them spending hours and hours on Instagram each and every single week.

You absolutely MUST take advantage of everything that Instagram marketing leverage has to offer, but that means creating shareable images and content on Instagram that not only build you up as an attractive follow on the platform but also really resonates with your target market and gets them to engage and share your content more frequently.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you do exactly that!

Shoot your images on a professional camera

Sure, Instagram makes it really easy to create amazing posts on this social media platform directly from your iPhone or Android device, but when it comes to creating really compelling images that are going to drive the engagement on your profile you’ll want to shoot them with heavy duty professional cameras and edit them just like the experts do.

From time to time (and depending upon the kind of “brand voice” you’re looking to create) more amateur photos shot directly from your smart phone can often times be effective as well, but if you really want your images to stand apart from the rest of the pack you have to go the extra mile to create those visually stunning images to begin with.

Spend time on your captions

A lot of folks kind of waste the captions that they have the opportunity to create on Instagram, and that’s a major rookie mistake you don’t ever want to make when looking to squeeze every drop of advertising leverage out of this platform.

The captions that you add to your posts are going to tell the story of the image. Now, you don’t necessarily have to hire professional copywriters to write these captions (though it can be advantageous to do so), but you definitely want to make sure that your captions spark interest, engage directly with your followers, and (ideally) push them deeper and deeper into your Instagram content or your marketing funnel.

The hashtags you use are going to be useful in getting new followers to your content, any tags that you use are going to help drive effective marketing partnerships, and any links that you include should be used to boost your business by getting people actively engaged part of your marketing funnel.

I hop you will find value from this post

To your success
Cyprian Zimu

From CZ Clothing